a strict disciplinarian in feminizing me. Every boyish mannerism and personality trait would have to go.
First, she re-named me Charlotte. Then she plucked my eyebrows, shaved my legs and then she bought me a wig. (I had not had a haircut all summer and very soon I would not need my wig).
Slowly my mannerisms changed, as Mother helped in every way. Soon I noticed my actions had changed into those of a young girl in her late teens. My actions final- ly came naturally and I found I was only capable of femi- nine actions.
My appearance and taste also drastically changed. As a boy I presented a picture of latent femininity. a girl I presented a picture of feminine smoothness.
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a boy I had loved athletics but my interest in them quick- ly evaporated. I was now interested in clothes, needle- work, feminine chit-chat and general carriage and appear-
Almost five months had elapsed since that life- changing arguement with my Father. Mother said my hair was long enough to curl and that a trip to the beauty parlor was in order.
I sat in the waiting room as Mother gave the beauti- cian instructions about what she wanted done. She then left, after telling me that she'd pick me up later.
The beautician escorted me into the salon and seated me in front of a sink, where I was given a shampoo. Then Then she rolled my hair on large metal rollers, and ap plied the waving lotion. When it was done I sat under the dryer for awhile and then she combed me out. The beautician then plucked my eyebrows and re-shaped them. I was treated to professionaly applied make-up. I emer- ged from the shop looking like a beautiful eighteen year- old Miss. I had been going to an electrologist for the removal of my beard and excess body hair which, fortu- nately was not great.
My Father returned the day I received my final treat- He remained only long enough to gather some of